
Deborah Oliver’s ‘Irrational Exhibits’

How do you view art? Do you view it through the screen, on the wall? Does your art touch you? And this isn’t meant emotionally. Does your art reach out its hands and place its skin against yours? Does it breathe? Does it look back at you as you stare? Does it force you to move your body because everything around you is in motion?

When most people think of art, they think of objects removed from the physical self — whether that is film, painting, sculpture or sound. There is a fourth wall removing the observer from the thing one wishes to interpret, creating distance. That distance is comfortable and familiar because the viewer knows how to deal with the piece, which is something frozen and inanimate. Continue reading

LA Weekly: Irrational Exhibits 9: Reports from the Field

By Catherine Wagley

Sixteen artists will present new work all at once this week at “Irrational Exhibits 9: Reports from the Field” at LACE. Part of a series launched in 2001, “Irrational Exhibits” are conceived as live group shows. The artists perform at the same time, some all evening long. Liz Nurenberg, who makes seductive conversation pieces meant to be worn by two people at once (maybe you put your heads into a soft sculpture, so that you face each other), will perform. So will Liz Young, who’s made oversized stuffed animals and videos about taxidermy.